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Don Dohler: Uncontained Imagination « Baltimore Filmmakers

Baltimore Filmmakers posted a nice article about my friend, the late Don Dohler. Here's the link:  Don Dohle r: Uncontained Imagination...

Friday, May 20, 2011

Great Videography Tips from Videomaker

Videomaker.com posted a few lists of helpful tips for those starting out shooting their own stuff. I'm happy to say I follow most of them. Below are a few of my favorites, with some commentary:

  • [No] Headhunting--placing every subject in the center of your frame.

  • [No] Backlighting--too much light falling on the background instead of on the subject.

  • Use manual focus if your camcorder has it. [You really need a camcorder with manual focus, unless you're shooting a home movie.]

  • Set white balance at every location. [Even if you're using presets.]

  • Shoot to edit.

  • Use an external microphone if you have one. [Period!]

Here's the link to the article.


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